Thursday, December 28, 2006

So yeah last night was fun!!!

Hey whats up everyone how you doing...

I got to spend all night with a wonderfull woman, i mean she is freaking amazing. We watched AvP and it was awsome well not so much the movie as much as casper. Then i got lots of browny pionts for walking her out to the still trying to figure out how many i have. Then i talked to her till 5 in the morning and it was amazing because i felt so comfortable with her. but anyway i will be busy today i have to go to work at 10 tonight. Then ima take of Friday but i will still be busy cause i am taking my woman on a date. What movies are out...


teneal ann said...



oh & btw you got even more brownie points from my mom because she's like, "blah blah blah i remember when you wouldn't say bye to me and he goes if you're not going to say bye to her i will!"

stop impressing my grandma! it's skeery.

&& maybe tenn had more fun with avp than casper. :)

kidding love.

Stashia said...

you should put an apostrophe inbetween the AXEL and HAVEN because it' looks like Axel shaven